In the Administration > Settings > Authentication > Define Filter screen, the User Base DN defines which subtree to import the users from and usually will look something like this: cn=Users,dc=MYCOMPANY,dc=COM. The User Filter is a filter in LDAP format that allows you to select only those users under the Base DN that match certain criteria.

Oct 19, 2009 · It seems like the user search is not 'recursive'. if I set my user base dn to: teamcity.users.base=ou=Users. and I have many OUs underneath the Users OU, it won't go down to those OUs to search for the user. If my account resides in ou=USEROU1,ou=Users, I get an ldap login error: cn=useraccount doesn't exist in ou=Users. Jan 03, 2020 · Go to DN. The Go to DN is essentially a search option that allows you to find an LDAP element easily. It can be accessed through the context menu in the LDAP Browser (right click). It is useful for quickly finding Distinguished Names that would relate to configuration settings, such as Base DN, Additional User DN or Additional Group DN. The ldap-base-dn will be where where the ASA starts looking for an authenticated user. I recommend setting this as the first level of your AD tree. The ldap-scope subtree tells LDAP to look for this user in any subtree. The other option is just a single subtree up. Example: Base DN for search. The value you specify in the Base DN for search field in the Directory Assistance document used for Directory Sync must match the distinguished name of the Active Directory container of the users to be synced. Creating a Directory Sync Configuration document Aug 05, 2019 · The Base DN is where the PAN will start searching in the directory structure. The Bind DN is the username that will be used to do the searching and request the authentication. Note: In Active Directory, a blank folder icon represent Containers (CN) while folders with icons are Organizational Units (OU). Jun 13, 2019 · In the Base for users field, enter the DN under which all users can be found and which new users should be created. This is typically something like dc=Users,dc=my-domain,dc=com . Similarly, in the Base for groups field, enter the DN under which groups are found and which new groups should be created.

Jan 25, 2018 · To find the User Base DN: – Open a Windows command prompt. – Type the command: dsquery user -name (Example: If I were searching for all users named John, I could enter the username as John* to get a list of all users who’s name is John) – The result will look like: “CN=John.Smith,CN=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=com”

Harbor docs | Configure LDAP/Active Directory Authentication LDAP Base DN: Harbor looks up the user under the LDAP Base DN entry, including the subtree. For example, LDAP Filter: The filter to search for LDAP/AD users. For example, objectclass=user. LDAP UID: An attribute, for example uid, or cn, that is used to match a user with the username. If a match is found, the user’s password is LDAP Authentication Source Configuration

Chapter 7. LDAP authentication

LDAP Authentication User Search DN: LDAP user search DN is the root of search for a given user in the LDAP directory. Only user records present in this LDAP directory sub-tree are allowed for authentication. Base DN value is used if this value is not configured. User Search Scope: LDAP user search scope defines how deep to search for the user starting from user QuerySurge Authentication with LDAP and LDAPS – Customer Under Base DN, enter the "base" or default Distinguished Name for your users. Use the key-value pairs that work for the largest number of your users. Sample Base DNs include: CN=users,DC=mydomain,DC=local OU=managers,OU=dev,DC=mydomain,DC=local Note: The Base DN is used only to establish a default DN for users, in order to make User set up a Chapter 7. LDAP authentication If a search DN is provided (via ldap-search-bind-dn), then Guacamole users need only be somewhere within the subtree of the specified user base DN. If a search DN is not provided, then all Guacamole users must be direct descendents of this base DN, as the base DN will be appended to the username to derive the user's DN.