According to the Washington Post, the National Security Agency (NSA) has broken privacy rules thousands of times a year since Congress has given the agency more power in the year of 2008. Most privacy violations that were broken involve unauthorized surveillance of Americans or foreign intelligence targets in the United States.

The importance of individual privacy vs. national security has attracted the interest of researchers from various academic fields. This is a broad research topic that requires to be narrowed down for it to become a manageable research topic (Sole, 2010). Narrowing down the topic to a manageable level was carried out in the first phase of the The National Security Imperative of Protecting User Data Apr 24, 2019 Dilemmas of the Internet age: privacy vs. security

The Great Debate : Privacy Vs National Security - 1055

"Is National Security More Important Than Individual Right Nov 16, 2015

Privacy vs. Cybersecurity | Secureworks

As “securing general welfare” is actually written in the Constitution, whereas “privacy” is only defended in amendments, national security should be prioritized over any concerns for personal privacy. Namely, the common good outweigh personal preferences. The Debate Between Privacy and National Security - CWPS The Battle Between Privacy and National Security Many individuals believe that their right to privacy is incredibly important. Individuals are wary that there could be people who are falsely flagged for nothing more than exercising their freedom of speech.